19. februar 2013

Na mizi v torek (04)

Prejšnji, pustni torek je snežilo kt pr norcih, danes je vrhniška dolina prava pravljica. Zasneženo in sončno. Bojda dobimo novo pošiljko snega od jutri do konca tedna enkrat. Kar se mene tiče – tudi če ne ;)
Jaz te dni malo prevajam in malo prekladam polimerne mase po mizi, malo sem pa vmes tudi risala. Malo.
Last Tuesday, on carnival, it was deep winter, it snowed like crazy. Today the valley is still under snow, sparkling under the cold winter sun. Supposedly we’re getting another batch from tomorrow till the end of the week.
These days I’ve been translating a bit and working with polymer clay a bit, and in between I also drew some. Not much.

AJ 13-15

AJ 13-16

AJ 13-17

Tale je pa še nedokončana. Tolk da se vidi, da imam druge stvari po glavi trenutno :)

And a WIP – stating clearly that I have other things in my mind, doesn’t it?

AJ 13-18 WIP

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