24. november 2012

Oktobrsko branje

Zakaj in zato Patrick Ness, Zakaj in zato

»Možje ne govorijo veliko, njihovi obrazi so bledi in mračni, tudče kdove, kaj razmišljajo, če pa ne slišiš njihovega hrupa. Ampak so videt bolj čisti, kot so bili moški v mojem mestu, s krajšimi lasmi, obriti, boljše oblečeni. Precej jih je okroglih in mehkih kot župan Ledger.«

Končno so prevedli drugi del Nessove trilogije (prvi del sem bral aprila). Še vedno dobro, a s tipičnim problemom srednjega dela trilogije – namesto da bi bil samostojna zgodba, je le intermezzo do zadnjega dela.
Phoenix Rising: A Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences Pip Ballantine, Tee Morris, Phoenix Rising: A Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences

»He slid out his desk’s small extension and followed the various sequences down to the one he knew would be there, the one that would fit his mood. His fingers pushed against characters both numeric and alphabetical, coaxing from the metallic monster a series of clicks, whirs, and steambursts. The machine took Wellington’s keystrokes, calculated, and finally followed the programmed command. The silence was only for a moment, and then came the long, languid notes from the analytical engine’s horn. Johann Sebastian Bach. “Violin Concerto No. 2.” In E. The Adagio. Just what he needed.«

Steampunk verzija Avengerjev (tistih starih, angleških, iz šestdesetih let). Kar fino, vsekakor bom prebral tudi drugi del.
Noč v Evropi Polona Glavan, Noč v Evropi
»Nekdo je poškropil železnico s temo, je pomislila Nina, gosto, koncentrirano temo, tako, ki odvzame težnost in razdalje. Potovanje od večera do jutra.«
Hommage Noči na Zemlji, ki se za razliko od originala dogaja v Evropi, na nočnem vlaku Pariz-Amsterdam in je zapakiran v literarno obliko. Pet nepovezanih zgodb, ki jih na koncu malce poveže epilog. Vredno branja, zelo priporočam!
The Hydrogen Sonata Iain M. Banks, The Hydrogen Sonata

»The Caconym, a Culture Limited Offensive Unit of the Troublemaker class, spun slowly above the forest of writhing, wildly shining loops that was the surface of the orange-red star Sapanatcheon. The ship rotated gently in the midst of the blasts of radiation, charged particles and magnetic force coming swirling in from almost every direction, though mostly from below, where a sunspot the size of a gas giant planet was passing slowly beneath. The LOU was taking readings and collecting data, for what it was worth, but really it was just watching, admiring.«

Klasični Banks (tokrat že z deseto knjigo iz cikla Culture) se ubada s civilizacijo, ki se bliža »povzpetju« v energijsko obliko. Polno inteligentnih vesoljskih ladij. Dobro.
Trojan Horse Mark Russinovich, Trojan Horse
»He paused for a moment, wondering if there was anything else he should do and decided there was not. He closed the program and returned to his message, not giving the incident another thought. As he did, the Trojan guardedly acquired the source code to the power grid control software, blending its actions seamlessly into the activity of the computer so as not to attract attention.«
Drugi triller znanega strokovnjaka za računalniško varnost. Za razliko od prvega dela so neračunalniški deli bolje napisani, žal pa jih je tudi manj in se vse skupaj prelevi v en čisto povprečen triler, ki se ga splača prebrat le, če vam v roke pride poceni broširana (al’ pa elektronska) izdaja.
Berem: The Name of the Wind

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