30. junij 2012

Mineštra iz perl

Nekaj dni sem gledala, ali zberem dovolj poguma, da se prijavim na mednarodno izmenjavo Bead Soup Blog Party pri Lori Anderson, tik pred zdajci pa sem se le odločila. Prosila sem za izmenjavo znotraj Evrope, ker so se mi zdeli roki kar na kratko in sem malo cvikala, da se že s pošto ne bo izšlo. Tako sem dobila partnerko iz Italije, Ilenio Ruzza. Ile veliko dela z drobcenimi miyuki delica perlicami, kar pomeni, da bodo moja mineštrca zanjo nekaj drugačnega, dela pa tudi obeske in perle iz keramike, tako da upam, da bo vse ok. Fotke perl bom seveda objavila, šele ko jih bo dobila, tačas pa si lahko ogledate nekaj njenih izdelkov. I tried to decide for a couple of days if I’m brave enough to join the international Bead Soup Blog Party at Lori Anderson’s and I finally decided to try, hoping that I’ll not make a big fool of myself. I asked Lori for a European partner because the dates didn’t give me much confidence for an overseas mailing, and I got the lovely Ilenia Ruzza from Italy. Which works perfectly since I speak Italian, right? Ilenia works with the tiny miyuki delica beads a lot so my bead soup will maybe be something a bit new for her to try as I’m sure will be the case with what I’ll get as well. I’ll post my soup when she gets it, but in the meantime I’ll show you some of her work and you can also visit her blog.

1 komentar:

  1. Ciao Katja!
    I love all the beads you create for me!
    For me it's a pleasure create with the beauties you sent me!

