7. marec 2011

Februarsko branje


Stephen Baxter, Destiny’s Children (Coalescent, Exultant, Transcendent, Resplendent)

»As the universe expanded, every generation, living slower than the last, saw only a flash of heat and light behind it, nothing but a cold dark tunnel ahead – and each generation thought that it was only now that a rich life was possible.«

O človeštvu od leta –2000 do daljne prihodnosti. Na splošno zanimivo, a vseeno sem pričakoval več. Nekatere teme se precej ponavljajo, druge so nezaključene in nedodelane. Tako, tako.


Nekoč ... v prihodnosti

Philip Reeve, Nekoč … v prihodnosti

»Bilo je temačno, vetrovno pomladno popoldne. London je po izsušenem dnu nekdanjega Severnega morja zasledoval majhno rudarsko mesto. V srečnejših časih se London že ne bi ukvarjal s tako slabotno žrtvijo. Veličastnemu vlečnemu mestu so nekoč dnevi minevali v lovu na veliko večja mesta, kot je tole.«

Mladinsko. Tisoč let po 60-minutni vojni se mesta prevažajo naokoli in napadajo med sabo. Odlična štorija, slab prevod. Žal.


Cooking for Geeks

Cooking for Geeks

»Not all compounds can be smelled. Size, shape, and something called chirality all determine whether a molecule is smellable or not. Chirality has to do with whether or not a molecule and its mirror version (the pair is known as enantiomers) are identical.«

Za ljudi, ki bi radi vedeli, pri kateri temperaturi se spremeni kakšen protein, kako na hrano vplivajo kisline in baze in kaj prinaša moderna tehnologija v kuhinjo.

The Art of Japanese Joinery

Kiyosi Seike, The Art of Japanese Joinery

»Wood floors consist basically of sills, sleepers, joists, and floor boarding. In Japan, where humidity is high almost the entire year, good ventilation beneath the floor is essential to preserve the wood.«

O lesenih spojih v deželi, ki jo je od vedno pestilo pomanjkanje trdih kamnin in kovin.

Kafka na obali

Haruki Murakami, Kafka na obali

»Sledil sem temu nasvetu (nasploh sem sledil večini nasvetov, ki mi jih je dajal Fant po imenu Vran). V učilnici sem bil vedno zbran, poslušal sem vse, kar mi je bilo povedano, in pustil, da se mi je znanje vpijalo v možgane kot voda v spužvo. «

Uf, tu pa ne vem, kaj bi napisal. Na videz pripoved o dečku, ki pobegne od doma, in starcu, ki se pogovarja z mačkami, v resnici pa nekaj čisto drugega in še nisem ugotovil, kaj. Bo treba prebrati še enkrat.


Cory Doctorow, Content

»Science Fiction is the only literature people care enough about to steal on the Internet.«

Zbirka esejev na temo avtorskih pravic. Zastonj. Občasno malo zastarelo, pa vseeno zanimivo.

The Book of Paper

The Book of Paper

»When it comes to paper, Japan has a rich tradition. Handmade Japanese paper, or washi, is made with durable bast fibres – plant fibres collected from the ‘inner bark’ or skin of trees such as the paper mulberry – and has a much broader range of applications than rag or wood pulp paper.«

Zbirka esejev o papirju – od zgodovine do glasbe in arhitekture.

Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom

Cory Doctorow, Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom

»And I had no reason to be. Sure, I’d been murdered, but what had it cost me? A few days of “unconsciousness” while they decanted my backup into my new body, a merciful gap in memory from my departure at the backup terminal up until my death. I wasn’t one of those nuts who took death seriously. It wasn’t like they’d done something permanent.«

Prvi Coryjev roman. Svet, v katerem se ljudje lahko »downloadajo« v računalnik in v katerem niti smrt ni problem – če imaš seveda narejeno varnostno kopijo. Do sredine super knjiga, potem pa izgubi ritem, se razvleče in ne najde več prave poti do cilja.



Machine of Death

»The machine had been invented a few years ago: a machine that could tell, from just a sample of your blood, how you were going to die. It didn’t give you the date and it didn’t give you specifics. It just spat out a sliver of paper upon which were printed, in careful block letters, the words DROWNED or CANCER or OLD AGE or CHOKED ON A HANDFUL OF POPCORN. It let people know how they were going to die.«

Kakšen bi bil svet, v katerem obstaja naprava, ki ti zna povedati, kako boš umrl (ne pa tudi, kdaj). Zbirka zgodb raznih avtorjev. Pričakoval sem nekaj morbidnega, dobil pa odlično in zanimivo knjigo. PDF je zastonj, knjiga in e-knjige so naprodaj.

Look to Windward

Iain Banks, Look to Windward

»Tendon-strutted fragments of behemothaur skin fell into the blueness below like dark sails torn from cyclone-struck clippers; puffs of gas made brief, dispersing vapour clouds in the air as the colossal creature’s outer ballonets and gas sacs were ruptured; the torn bodies of falficores, smerines and phuelerids tumbled in bloody cart-wheeling spirals into the abyss, their screams frighteningly close in the compacted depth of air yet nearly drowned out in the vast noise of frenzied feeding going on all about.«

Sedma Banksova knjiga iz sveta »Culture«. Vsebine ne bi obnavljal – lahko si jo ogledate na Wikipedii – me je pa presenetil relativno optimističen konec. (Prevod: glavni junaki so preživeli in »dobro« je zmagalo.)


Surface Detail Iain Banks, Surface Detail

»The avatar’s face had filled out a little more over the last few days. His body had altered a fraction too, making him look more like a Sichultian. This was a process that was intended to continue until he looked as native as she did when they arrived in Enablement space fifteen days from now. His eyes looked crinklier, she thought; friendlier. She knew that technically he was an it, not a he, but she still thought of him as male. All she had to remember, of course – she told herself – was that whether a he, a she, an it or anything else, Demeisen was the ship. The avatar was not anything truly independent or genuinely human.«

Najnovejši Banksov roman, ki se ukvarja z drugačno vojno – takšno v virtualnem svetu. Kot ponavadi odličen in tudi ta z dokaj optimističnim koncem.


Berem: Napoleonove piramide

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