20. julij 2010

AJ (42)

Tokratni strani nista nič posebnega, samo da sem kot inspiracijo vzela Crusade No. 42 – Strip Ease. Brez razmišljanja, brez posebnih kombinacij, malo presenečena, ker nisem v noben AJ nič packala že cel mesec … če pa delam vse drugo … As soon as I saw the new Crusade – Strip Ease, I knew that I will make a spread for it. It just took me a while :) It came out different because I didn’t want to overthink it and I wanted to use some paint between the freehand torn strips. And I so badly wanted to include that concert ticket :) It was a great Bajaga concert, just like way back in old times.


11 komentarjev:

  1. Dobro.. intenzivno barvasto :)
    Strop je že padel?

  2. Ni še. Je bilo le prevroče konec tedna. Danes naj bi, menda. Pol ne bo več intenzivno barvasto, ampak bo vse bolj belkasto :D

  3. Kitty - love your bright colors! Love that you can see all the torn edges, even with the added paint. Love your journaling along the strips. Terrific spread, thanks for sharing with the team!!

  4. I love that the bright yellow carries across, but one page has a hot color and the other uses a cold color. So jagged and raw!

  5. Thanks for sharing your beautiful work. It's very inspiring to see.

  6. Fantastic spread! Love your use of bold colors. And the writing adds just the right touch.

  7. Great work, love it you incorporated the concert ticket, that is what journaling is all about.

  8. Great colors, love that you saved the concert ticket and used it. We throw away so many memories without thinking...

  9. Love the vibrancy of your strips and what a great way to use your ticket!

  10. I would like to add tickets as well, love that green.

  11. I'm late getting around to your blog. You did a wonderful job of executing this crusade! Bright and bold colors that are so bold!

