15. januar 2010

Novoletna sestavljanka [1]

Slabi dve leti nazaj je David Friedman objavil koncept ure s tremi svetilkami in enim gnomonom namesto kazalca.

Slightly less than two year ago did David Friedman publish this nice concept drawing of a clock using a gnomon and three motorized lamps.


Sredi lanskega leta je meni najljubša skupina zlobnih znanstvenikov objavila delujoč prototip.

A working prototype of this clock was built in the middle of 2009 by my favourite group of evil scientists.


Decembra 2009 so izdelali kit komplet, ki se je malo pred novim letom znašel pod našo smrečico.

Šele danes pa sem imel dovolj časa, da sem začel razmišljat o sestavljanju. Za začetek sem zadevo razpakiral …

And finally – they released the kit just in the right time so I could get a nice New Year’s present.

Today I wanted to start putting it together. First I unpacked it on the kitchen table …


… in si ogledal navodila. Krasna navodila. Pravi cukrček od navodil. 68 strani navodil! Nič čudnega, če pa za vsakih pet uporov napopajo celostransko sliko.

…  and then I opened the build instructions, which are absolutely wonderful. A true piece of art, whole 68 pages of them.


lightbulb-instr 2

Navodila, izvorna koda, načrti itd so tukaj.

Moja ura pa je šla nazaj v škatlo. Moram najprej pospraviti mizo v delavnici …

As this is an open source project, you can download all schematics and instructions here.

Sadly, I had to put my clock back into the box. I have to clean the table in my workshop first …

1 komentar:

  1. Ljubi moj, jaz ti z veseljem prepustim sicer za moj fimo rezervirano tretjino kuhinjske mize.

